Rachael Skrobot: Live at the Barn

Rachael Skrobot, "Live at the Barn"  A Live Worship Album)

“Rachael Skrobot: Live at the Barn”  is a live worship album that was recorded in Seattle, Washington in a barn nestled at the edge of the Puget Sound. The heart intent of the album was to capture Rachael’s heart  in worship and take others up in a encounter with the Heart of God.

This album is sure to stir the longings of your heart with fresh longing to see our King, Jesus!

Here is what one seasoned musician, Luke Skaggs, said about the album: “I’m blown away by how wonderful this record is. It absolutely commands your heart to pause and engage the Trinity. [Rachael’s] voice sounds so wonderful and great songwriting!” 

You can buy the album on iTunes (for only $7.74) or you can purchase an physical CD online HERE.

About Rachael and the Album:
In 2008, Rachael was encountered by Jesus in a dream; His face was beaming with joy, and she knew that He knew everything about her, and yet he still loved her. As Jesus approached Rachael and wrapped His arms around her, all Rachael could say was, “You are so Holy, You are so Beautiful.”

Over the past 5 years, Jesus has taken Rachael on a journey of discovering His smiling face, meekness, and humility in contrast with His holiness, majesty, and power.  The songs captured at the barn unfolds the tensions of God’s greatness and meekness, holiness and humility. With unique melodies, creative tones, and uncontrollable worship this album breaks through the status-qua and plunges deep into the heart of God.  Rachael has a beautiful ability to enter into the presence of God, that catches others up on her journey into His heart. 

Watch this short promo to learn more about Rachael Skrobot: Live at the Barn.

Click HERE to purchase a hardcopy of Live at the Barn. 


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